Faith’s Footsies™ Hospital Pajamas

No scratchy blankets, no cracks hanging out, no cold babies.

Our provisionally patented pajamas provide babies and children with decency, comfort, and access to improved healthcare from providers.

Why use Faith’s Footsies™ pajamas over the traditional newborn methods?

Comfort and Emotional Well-being

  1. Physical Comfort:

    • Sensitive Skin: Newborns, especially preemies, have extremely delicate and sensitive skin. Scratchy blankets can cause irritation, leading to discomfort and restlessness.

    • Rest and Sleep: Adequate rest is crucial for a newborn's development. Uncomfortable blankets and being unclothed can disturb a baby’s sleep, potentially affecting their growth and overall health.

  2. Emotional Well-being:

    • Security and Calm: Faith’s Footsies™ pajamas provide a sense of security and calm for newborns, helping them feel safe in an unfamiliar environment. This can reduce crying and fussiness.

    • Parental Peace of Mind: Parents are more likely to feel at ease knowing their newborn is clothed in a comfortable, soft outfit with state-of-the-art technology incorporated within it for providers and nurses, enhancing their overall experience during this critical time.

Health and Hygiene

  1. Skin Irritation:

    • Dermatological Issues: Scratchy blankets can cause skin irritation or exacerbate conditions like diaper rash, which is common in newborns. Faith’s Footsies™ pajamas reduce the risk of such problems.

    • Infection Risk: Skin irritation can lead to scratching, which might create open wounds susceptible to infections, posing a health risk to newborns, and a drawn-out medical stay for premature babies. Our fold-over hand mittens also prevent babies from trying to scratch themselves.

  2. Allergic Reactions:

    • Material Sensitivities: Newborns are more likely to have sensitivities to certain materials. Our high-quality bamboo minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, ensuring a safer environment for the baby.

Economic and Practical Considerations

  1. Cost-effectiveness:

    • Long-term Use: Investing in Faith’s Footsies™ can be more cost-effective in the long run. They are likely to last longer and require less frequent replacement than lower-quality, scratchy alternatives.

    • Parental Satisfaction: Improved parental satisfaction can lead to better overall hospital reviews and potentially higher funding or donations, particularly in nonprofit or publicly funded hospitals.

  2. Cleaning and Maintenance:

    • Durability: Softer, higher-quality pajamas often withstand washing and sterilization processes better than scratchy, lower-quality ones. This can result in reduced wear and tear and lower maintenance costs over time. Faith’s Footsies™ pajamas can withstand hospital sterilization procedures time and time again.

Ethical and Compassionate Care

  1. Dignity and Respect:

    • Humane Treatment: Providing Faith’s Footsies™ pajamas is a simple, yet profound way to show respect and compassion for newborns, aligning with the ethical standards of medical care.

    • Baby-Centered Approach: Hospitals that prioritize the comfort of newborns demonstrate a commitment to patient-centered care, which can improve overall health outcomes and parental trust.

  2. Inclusivity and Equity:

    • Standard of Care: Ensuring all newborns have access to comfortable, high-quality clothing helps address disparities in healthcare. Every baby deserves a comfortable, dignified start to life, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.

For additional information over Faith’s Footsies, visit our homepage!

Hospital Contact

If you are a hospital purchaser or if you are trying to place a large quantity order, please fill this form out and reach out to our sales team: It is best to perform both actions to ensure we keep an eye out for your email. Due to some hospital’s domains, emails sometimes get sent to our spam folder.

In your email: please let us know your name, job title, email, phone number, what company/hospital you are with, the level of your NICU (if applicable), and the estimated order size (average order size is 20-30 footsie pajamas per bed, of ranging sizes).

We pride ourselves with our typical response time being within 1 business day!